
BBC TV appearance

Rachel and Ricardo were recently asked to appear on BBC TV, for the Look North show in England. This was a great opportunity to spread some real shark love on prime-time BBC broadcast, and sow the seeds for a different perception of Great White Sharks….as well as promote the film too of course!

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Fantastic IMDB review of Great White Shark Legend

Source: IMDB user reviews: We really wanted to share a fantastic review of Great White Shark Legend which a viewer (and importantly a marine biologist) posted on IMDB. High praise and fair comment….”Discovery Channel TAKE NOTE” put a particular smile on our faces. Here’s the review in full…. Finally someone gets it right! Author: sharkespeare1 from United […]

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Great White Shark Legend TEASER TRAILER

Here it is – your very first look at Great White Shark Legend in this first teaser trailer of what is to come. We are still head down in the edit right now but couldn’t resist giving all who have supported us a taste of the magic and epic scale of Great White Shark Legend. […]

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