
Key players of Great White Shark Legend

There are many interviewees in Great White Shark Legend, from local shark experts and conservationists to the men, women and children who use the beaches of False Bay and the Cape Town area. Here are just a few of some of the key players that make up the heart and soul of knowledge in Great White Shark Legend.

Rob Lawrence – skipper of African Shark Eco-Charters and the man who has been to Seal Island, False Bay more than any other human being alive. He was also the original pioneer, along with a colleague, of decoy usage to observe / document / photograph Great White Shark breaching behaviour.

GWSL Rob Lawrence









Alison Kock is the research manager at Sharkspotters and is well renowned in the Cape Town area, and internationally for her dedicated research in the field of Great White Sharks. She has dedicated her life to the field and is passionate about the use of research for practical application.

GWSL Alison Kock









Dirk Schmidt is a shark fanatic and successful author of two books on Great White Sharks (Great White Sharks of False Bay, and White Sharks: Magnificent, Mysterious & Misunderstood). He also runs the highly popular White Shark Advocacy group which debates all areas of White Shark knowledge, research, photography and conservation.

GWSL Dirk Schmidt








Brandon Kilbride is a Cape Town photographer, surfer and divemaster who has spent many years around White Sharks, on boats, behind the camera, and in the ocean which he considers his playground. He has had numerous encounters with White Sharks and is well known around the surf, shark and local communities of False Bay.

GWSL braddonkilbride








Gary Carstens is the divemaster on board African Shark Eco-Charters boat and was born and raised around the waters of False Bay and Cape Town. His passion for the ocean is infectious and he now lives and breathes Great White Sharks 24 hours a day, always happy to share the knowledge with guests and residents alike.

GWSL Gary Carstens









Karen Lawrence is the business woman behind African Shark Eco-Charters. She works behind the scenes to ensure husband Rob and crew have everything in place to get out to sea. She works tirelessly to keep the magic available to all and being married to a shark legend has insight into the reality of living and working with Great White Sharks.

karen lawrence new









Tamsyn Munnik  is the front operation of African Shark Eco-Charters. From booking guests and ensuring all their questions and needs are met, to keeping skipper Rob updated on weather and logistics in the Cape Of Storms. Being around guests and crew she offers unique insight into the day to day magic that happens with African Shark Eco-Charters.

GWSL Tamsyn Munnik









There are many more contributors to Great White Shark Legend, and in good time we look forward to sharing their wise words, tales of sharks and unique and exciting insight into what the true nature of the Great White Shark is!