
Toby The Great White Shark Legend!

Toby LittleThe Great White Shark Legend film process continues to open doors and surprises for us. A recent world star called Toby came to our attention thanks to an AWESOME project he has started which he calls “Writing To The World” – whereby he has set out to write and get a response from a person in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. At the time of writing he only has 4 left!

We asked him why he wanted to do this and he said it is because he “wants everyone in the world to better understand each other“. It’s an inspiring, self initiated and life affirming journey that you can read all about, and maybe help with, over at his website “Writing To The World“.

Not only does Toby have an amazing outlook on life and the world but he also has something of a passion for wildlife! So when we got in touch (outside of anything to do with Great White Shark Legend) and found out he loved sharks….we had to pay a visit!

Toby had recently been watching a documentary featuring sharks and as part of his wonderful outreach into the world he asked his mum if it was possible to talk to,  and ask questions of, anyone who had filmed sharks. WE WERE HAPPY TO OBLIGE!

A huge part of Great White Shark Legend features children’s views on Great White’s, and how their opinions will directly forge how these amazing animals are viewed in the future. With Toby already showing an interest of sharks, we happily paid him and his family a visit to share the experience of working on the film – and spend a couple of hours watching some of the raw footage with him.

In an amazing example of how small this beautiful planet really is….he lived only a couple of minutes from us, yet we heard about him from the far reaches of the internet, TV and the BBC World Service where has been talking about his project. What an incredible place we all live.

So please check out his awesome Writing To The World activities at the website or his Facebook page, and enjoy this AWESOME picture he drew for us! Thanks Toby and family and we’ll see you at the premiere!

 toby the shark